And a wind-blown white flower with an all-black stamen:
I've been trying spotted flowers lately, so here is a dramatic red speckled lily on a muted green base:
Here's another take on my new Dream Egg bead series, which is a more abstract version of my floral technique. This is a dark neutral worked into an asymettrical necklace.
And for something a little more whimsical, a new big red fish from our fish series!
We updated our earring collection with more simple dangle-hook styles, especially in our yummy-looking sugar-bead series.
And our most popular style, the locking, handforged Captive Drop earrings! These were a huge hit at the festival, which is great because I am addicted to coming up with new, tiny, intricate glass beads for them, and Andrea just keeps improving the process and outcome for handforging the sterling silver wire components!
We also made a lot of bracelet and earring pairs that can work as sets. The sets are always fluid - there are many of combinations that work beautifully, and everything is available individually. The blue bracelet is part of a more simple, classic series that we developed for the festival.
Watch this space for more new work (and new displays) for the Art In The City show
coming on in Confederation Park the last weekend of August!