We've been very busy at Hearts of Glass studios over the past several weeks, getting our ducks in a row for the
New Art Festival show next weekend. Time is flying by. We're very excited about some of the new pieces we've got on the go and I'd like to share a sneak peek.
Here's Andrea working on our handforged Captive Drop locking earrings. The natural light is much better in the living room so she's working at the dining set she refinished this winter.

Here's a snapshot of some of the delicious-looking (if I do say so myself) Captive Drop pieces made in this weekend's batch. We've got over two dozen new pairs for the show!

I've also been working on a set called Dream Eggs. I've made one in every colour of the rainbow, plus a few neutrals.

A lovely metallic disk using silver-infused glass.

And of course, a floral - this one is HUGE and is in a double-sided disk shape. It will be made into a necklace with silver chain.

We also designed a new banner! I created text out of the Hearts of Glass logo that Andrea hand-designed a few years ago. It's times like these that I wish I knew how to make proper vector art, but I managed to make this on a Gnu-based freeware called GIMP. Hopefully it will look nice in 12" by 48" format in our shiny new vendor tent.

In today's final news, we have been accepted into the Art in the City show the last weekend of August. It will be near City Hall and sounds like a great show. More details to come!
I hope to see you at the New Art Festival at Central Park near Bank and Clemow, Saturday June 4th and Sunday June 5th (next weekend)! Bank Street is undergoing some street work in that area but it's still open for business and it's possible to park on side streets, so don't be alarmed. :) There will be dozens of artists showing work in media from watercolour, photography, wood, ceramics, metal, and more. We'll be at booth #44 on the South Parkway. Here is a handy map to help you come and visit us: